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Cars Trucks Under $5000 for Sale in Lodi, CA Lodi CA Near Stockton CA
Results for " Cars Trucks Under $5000 for Sale in Lodi, CA" within our inventory. 6 found.
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Featured Listings |  | Engine: 25 HP Mercury 4 Stroke Mileage: Exterior Color: Aluminum Interior Color: Silver 1988 Gregor MX-510 Aluminum Fishing Boat, 15', 25 HP Mercury 4 Stroke, new bimimi... | PRICE $5,000 |  | Engine: 4 cyl. Mileage: 188,000 Exterior Color: White Interior Color: Black leather 2006 Mazda 3 Sport Hatchback, 2.3 Liter 4 Cyl., FWD, 5 Speed manual transmission,... | PRICE $4,300 |  | Engine: 48 Volt Mileage: Exterior Color: Green Interior Color: Tan 2014 Club Car Precedent 48 Volt Electric Golf Cart, automatic charger, new batteries. Come... | PRICE $3,600 |  | Engine: Mileage: Exterior Color: Burgundy Interior Color: Tan 2020 Yamaha Electric Golf Cart, full enclosure with doors, head lights, tail lights, lithium... | PRICE $3,150 | SOLD | Engine: 2.5liter I6 Mileage: 191,000 Exterior Color: Gray Interior Color: Black Leather 2005 BMW 325i, 2.5 liter inline 6, automatic transmission, RWD, all scheduled maintenance performed,... | PRICE $3,000 |  | Engine: Any Mileage: Exterior Color: Black Interior Color: Black Lodi Park and Sell has been locally owned and operated on Kettleman Lane for... | PRICE $125 |
Cars For Sale Under $5000 - Find cars, trucks, SUVs, boats and RVs under $5000 dollars for sale at Lodi Park and Sell.

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